Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Choices and Debt

It's hard for me not to question my decisions. Some might call it overthinking, but it's just always been a part of how I work. I've been trying really hard lately not to question my decision to enter a grad school program that will put me in extreme debt as I get a degree that does not generally allow for a high level of income. It will, however, make me qualified for a variety of different types of work in human service fields. I just keep telling myself it's worth it. I discovered last night in a moment of financial panic that there are many, many options for dealing with large amounts of school debt. I think my social work degree will prepare me for a many different jobs and different situations in life, and if somewhere down the road I choose to change careers, that's okay too. Maybe for the next career I'll try to minimize the debt though :)

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