Wednesday, May 28, 2008

rookie skit

The rookie party was fantastic. The rookie skit was pretty much amazing. In fact it was so amazing that we continue to sing the songs on a regular basis. It was basically a broadway musical it was so good. It was, in fact, a remake of the Sound of Music featuring such songs as "My Lesbian Things", "The Lonely Homo", and "Anal Vice". Words can't really do it justice. Suffice to say we were all very entertained. At the end of the skit they sang the goodbye song to those of us who are leaving. It made me kind of sad - I think that was the first time it really hit me what and who I'd be leaving behind. I've been thinking more and more about the idea of coming back here after grad school. I mean I know it wouldn't be the same, and I also know that there's no way I can make plans for two years from now, but I still keep thinking about it. I really like it out here in the lovely northwest...

1 comment:

bennett said...

its funny, i've been thinking about the rookie skit lots as well. the songs were so damn catchy, and the tribute at the end was great.

can't wait to see you in beantown!