Monday, May 19, 2008

Moving again and again and again

I have an apartment in Boston! As of Sunday afternoon I have a place to live when I move to Boston in August. I will be living in a three bedroom house with two other grad students. The room looks like it's about three times the size of my current room (keep in mind that my current room is basically a closet). The house has a garage for my car (my future roommates don't have cars). It has a porch with a large gas grill currently on it (woo BBQ!). It's super close to multiple T stops and it's on the shuttle route to school. Oh and the rent is super cheap for the area! Um yeah, pretty much amazing. My future roommate is into holistic stuff like yoga and meditation, organic food, and no TV, which would probably be good for me. I still will probably have a TV in my room, or maybe just my computer, but still. According to her there's a great produce market a few blocks from the house too! And a whole foods! I'm psyched. I should be getting the lease in the mail soon. Woo hoo!

My current roommate is moving at the end of the month and since I can't afford rent myself and I'm moving away in a couple of months, I'm moving out at the end of the month too. This means that I will be basically living out of suitcases while staying with two different friends for the next couple of months before I actually pack up my car and drive east. I'm not super excited to pack up my room. I have less than two weeks - 13 days and counting - until I have to be out... So much to do! I didn't really think I could have accumulated that much stuff in the two years I've been here, especially given how small my room is, but somehow I seem to have found a way. I've decided that the best method is going to be that if I haven't used it or worn it more than twice in the last two years then I don't need it. Time to sort through my clothes...

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